Select a membership:
Extreme Stretch
Join our Virtual Stretch Community & lets work together to achieve our flexibility goals! Share your own flexibility progress with the hashtag #myextremestretch
With this membership you will receive month long access to our high-quality 90-minute Extreme Stretch classes taught LIVE at Fl'air by Keeva, aka Air Candy.
Don't worry, these full length classes & videos can be modified for absolutely all flexibility levels! Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your flexibility journey, this membership can help you reach your goals. Let's get stretching!
Aerial Silk Package
Full access to the best of Air Candy! 150+ videos, new silk tutorials added every week & a live flexibility class x1 a month with Keeva live from Fl'air Studios in Berlin.
Silk tutorials from beginners to advanced levels, including step by step explanation, pro tips, slow motion reviews, variations of exits & entries and SO much more!
This is the membership for aerial silk lovers who LOVE To stretch & are focused on aesthetics, transitions & elegance in the air.